Saturday, 2 June 2012

Black & White

A lot of things happen since my last post (which was in 30th April!). I become part of Fashion Survivor in Underneath Stardoll, but I should leave it, because I get part-time job for this summer.. I don't know if this is the right word, however. Actually I'm very exited about it. It will start next week.
I've also bought new Samsung tablet computer. I use it already, but I have some problem with wi-fi in my apartment. Seriously, my neighbor should fix this soon!
But, this is not really a point of my post. I made a graphic, few hours ago and here it is. I'm so proud to present you this one, because it's really one of my favorite, so far.

Quality is okay, actually I like everything except this creepy right hand (model left, I suppose). Grr.. so not sexy, haha.

You can give me some critic or comment now.. or whatever you have to do. 

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